Only until 31 May 2024!
Save up to 22% on your EducateOnline PRO subscription!

EducateOnline PRO

Your customers receive personalised access to your event calendar, live courses and download options

Focus on the content of your courses and leave the organisation to EducateOnline.
Thanks to automated processes such as email notifications, invitations, bookings and cancellations, you can free yourself from administrative tasks and concentrate fully on imparting your specialist knowledge.

The calendar function gives all registered users uncomplicated access to their events - including the option to download recordings.

We also offer easy integration into your existing systems.

By upgrading EducateOnline PREMIUM you will enjoy the comfort of a complete online course management system.

Meeting management with EducateOnline PRO

Simple and convenient planning of your live webinars, courses and training sessions

Buy the PRO version of your all-in-one live education solution with seamless upgrade possibility.
You can then immediately create your first education events and videowebinars, invite your participants and conduct your events.

You want the complete for all your types of events?

With EducateOnline PREMIUM you get a tailored package with a comprehensive course management.